Noah Herron leads our Renovation and Rehab Construction Team. With a strong background in construction, he has his contractors license.

Anna Herron is a licensed realtor and heads up our Site Selection Team and all of our real estate needs and questions.

Karla Ivey has a background and many years experience in non-profit bookkeeping and administration. Karla serves as our bookkeeper and treasurer.

Dave Davis leads our Property Management Team, and together with Shari Davis leads the Homeowner Wraparound Team. Dave’s experience managing properties and Shari’s experience as a chaplain make them a perfect fit.

Shari, along with her husband Dave, leads the Homeowner Wraparound Team. She has also been a chaplain.

Talanja Steele works at Tree of Life, a Christian school in the Edison neighborhood. She and her husband have successfully completed almost exactly the same lease-to-own process and are current homeowners in the Edison neighborhood. Talanja co-leads our Candidate Selection Team.

Bryce and Monica Herron are volunteer coordinators and organizers. Bryce has a background in the trades.

Monica, along with her husband Bryce, is a volunteer coordinator and organizer. Her background includes home mortgage lending. Currently she is working in construction design and sales.

Keith Platte has been executive director of similar non-profit in the past and has experience and success with these projects. Keith is our overall team leader.

Jay Platte has many years in both Post-Secondary Leadership, digital and print communications, and extensive volunteerism. “Uncle Jay” serves as our communications director.

Rod Tucker is the lead pastor at Edison Chapel. In addition to being a member of the neighborhood, he is also great at developing relationships and helping develop resources. Rod leads our Fundraising Team.

Shaunie Garland is the newest addition to our team. She has a heart for the Edison neighborhood and has lived there since childhood. She is head of our social media platforms and brings a new style to outreach and inclusion. Helping to build new relationships with our partners and volunteers.
We are so thankful for the amazing team of Volunteers that has been assembled for this ministry. Would you consider serving or giving? Click here